Book Shop



Composizione Istantanea, di struttura libera e fantasiosa, tipica dell’epoca romantica.


Instant dialing, of free and imaginative structure, typical of the romantic era..



ISTANTE MUSICALE    realized with Polaroids vintage and new cameras

                                       using 600 and I TYPE films, fresh and expired.










Size A5 cm. 21 X14,8 

Hard Cover 3d printed

Pages 84 - photography paper 170 gr. 


Price - € 25,00 + postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00






What an emotion; my first hardcover book!

Minimalist as I like it, full of images created in the last 5 years of collaboration with @conigliettorosa.

A transversal path both in technical research and in the development of my way of imagining instant photography.


Che emozione; il mio primo libro con copertina rigida!

Minimalista come piace a me, ricco di immagini realizzate negli ultimi 5 anni di collaborazione con @conigliettorosa.

Un percorso trasversale sia nella ricerca tecnica che nello sviluppo del mio modo di immaginare la fotografia istantanea.


Muse of Wonderwall - Ong Ngoc Phuong


WANDERWALL    realized with Polaroids vintage and new cameras

                              using 600 and I TYPE films, fresh and expired.


Size A5 cm. 21 X14,8 

Hard Cover 3d printed

Pages 84 - photography paper 170 gr. -Hard Cover3d printed.

Price - € 25,00 + postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00






I spend a lot of my time looking at blue; 

the colour of my Cyanoroids and my mood.

Behind this blue is where I wish to be.

Never reclaimed always unrestrained.



Trascorro molto tempo guardando al blue,

il colroe delle mie Cyanoroids e del mio essere.

Oltre questo blue è dove vorrei essere.

Mai "reclamato" sempre sfrenato.



Muse of NUMA BLUE - Ludovica Veronica Abrate


NUMA BLUE    was made with Polaroid NOW+

                         using 600 and I TYPE films, fresh and expired.




Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 58 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 20,00 + postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00







I have Vintage tastes.

I like real people, real photography.

I look for Vintage because it tells a different life.

I have a soft spot for Vintage, like kindness, education and sensuality.



Ho gusti Vintage.

Amo le persone vere, la vera fotografia.

Cerco il Vintage perché racconta una vita diversa.

Ho un debole per il Vintage, come gentilezza, educazione e sensualità.



Muse of DON'T STAND are Ong Ngoc Phuong, Karmapollo & Sofia Mucaj


DON'T STAND was made with SX70 modified for 600 and I type Film

                         using 600 and I TYPE films, fresh and expired.



Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 64 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 25,00 + postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00





I don't do photography to debate theses or support theories.

I take pictures the same way I live a dream.

Which is fascinating as long as it remains mysterious and allusive

but which risks becoming tasteless when explained.


Non faccio fotografie per discutere tesi o sostenere teorie.

Fotografo allo stesso modo in cui vivo un sogno.

Che è affascinante finché resta misterioso e allusivo

ma che rischia di diventare insapore quando viene spiegato.


Muse of FULGOR are Ephebe Glo and Elisa Pizzolo


FULGOR was made with NOW+ Polaroid Camera using both 600 and I TYPE films, both fresh and expired.






Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 54 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 25,00 + postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00





I envy very much those who can talk about his photographs, I am paradoxically shy, in my world photos are not accompanied by words, the title is already a forcing that channels the user in a path taking away part of the freedom of understanding.


Said this; I present to you, or rather I anticipate ANEMONI, a collection of Polaroids born on a splendid day in June sailing the delta of the river PO.


ANEMONES, delicate flowers, with a somewhat melancholy meaning because it recalls abandonment, regret but also hope. The meaning of the Anemone lies in the shortness of the duration of its flowering, so it recovers a metaphorical meaning of fleetingness of a beautiful thing, of an intense moment or of a positive emotion. The singular beauty of the flower is associated with the concept of fleeting hope and expectation, so its intrinsic symbolism is almost resignation to a near end of a beautiful but brief feeling; so is life for me, so is photography for me.


Muse of ANEMONI are Ong Ngoc Phuong and Anna Haholkina, assisting me Stefano Questorio who also took care of the backstage.


ANEMONI was made with two cameras, one SLR680 and one ONESTEP + using both 600 and I TYPE films, both fresh and expired.


Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 94 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 25,00 + Postage

           Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00


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ANEMONI  LTD - 50 Signed and Numbered Copies - Including 1 original Polaroid


I envy very much those who can talk about his photographs, I am paradoxically shy, in my world photos are not accompanied by words, the title is already a forcing that channels the user in a path taking away part of the freedom of understanding.


Said this; I present to you, or rather I anticipate ANEMONI, a collection of Polaroids born on a splendid day in June sailing the delta of the river PO.


ANEMONES, delicate flowers, with a somewhat melancholy meaning because it recalls abandonment, regret but also hope. The meaning of the Anemone lies in the shortness of the duration of its flowering, so it recovers a metaphorical meaning of fleetingness of a beautiful thing, of an intense moment or of a positive emotion. The singular beauty of the flower is associated with the concept of fleeting hope and expectation, so its intrinsic symbolism is almost resignation to a near end of a beautiful but brief feeling; so is life for me, so is photography for me.


Muse of ANEMONI are Ong Ngoc Phuong and Anna Haholkina, assisting me Stefano Questorio who also took care of the backstage.


ANEMONI was made with two cameras, one SLR680 and one ONESTEP + using both 600 and I TYPE films, both fresh and expired.


Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 94 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 90,00 ( includes 1 original polaroid from the ones printed ) + Postage

           Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00


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MONSTRO - 99 Copies - SOLD OUT


I keep chasing one beautiful white whale, and where it plunges my dreams emerge.

No, it is not sleep that brings dreams, but this whale that is moving in my sea.

All that is born deep inside, it has a transformative power and results in a new one

form of reality.

Emotions, contents and ancient and unknown memories that, resurfacing, they become elements of a necessary transition phase.


Continuo a inseguire una bellissima balena bianca, e là dove si immerge 

affiorano i miei sogni. 

No, non è il sonno a portare i sogni, ma questa balena che si va spostando nel mio mare.

Tutto ciò che nasce nel profondo, ha un potere di trasformazione e si traduce in una nuova forma della realtà.

Emozioni, contenuti e memorie antiche e sconosciute che, riaffiorando, diventano elementi di una fase di passaggio necessaria.


MONSTRO Is a Still life project, made with two cameras, one SLR680 and one SX70 using 600films, both fresh and expired.


Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 64 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 20,00 + Postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00





#CYANOROIDS - 99 Copies 


Photography can make you Happy

even when you are feeling Blue ..

Is it True?  


The English scientist Sir John Herschel discovered the procedure in 1842.

Though the process was developed by Herschel, he considered it as mainly a means of reproducing notes and diagrams, as in blueprints.


Anna Atkins created a series of cyanotype limited-edition books that documented ferns and other plant life from her extensive seaweed collection,  placing specimens directly onto coated paper and allowing the action of light to create a silhouette effect.


Cyanotype photography was popular in Victorian England, but became less popular as photography improved.


Cyanotipe process is not completely suitabole for Polarod, so this a technique variation tha i love to call #Cyanoroids


Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 66 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 25,00 + Postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00



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#COFFEEROIDS - 99 Copies 


Photography is like Coffee:

you can add much sugar as you like,

but if you want it to be sweet, you've got to stir it.

Unless you make a move, nothing happens.


Coffeeroid is a technique stolen from traditional analogue photography with some revisions to fit with instant film.












Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 48 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 20,00 + Postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00



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#SOUPROIDS - 99 Copies 


Chaos in Photography brings uneasiness


but it allows the opportunity for creativity and growth.




Film Soup another technique born with analog photography that changing some factors can gift amazing results with instant films.











Size 21X21 cm.

Pages 48 - photography paper 170 gr. -Cover 300 gr.

Price - € 20,00 + Postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00



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The # Series Books



All the three Books :



















Price - € 50,00 + Postage

Postage  - Italy € 7,00 - Europe € 12,00 - Extra Europe € 17,00



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A l a n   M a r c h e s e l l i   -  V i a   M a n t o v a    6 6  -   4 1 0 4 9   S a s s u o l o   ( M O )   C o  d . f i s c . :   M R C  L N A 7 1 S 2 3 I 4 6 2 I   -   P  . I . V . A . :   I T 0 3 8 4 8 2 1  0 3 6 9 -   T e l .  3 3 5 7 8 4 0 7 0 5